Giant Oak Insights

Innovation & Evolution: GOST 2020-2021

Written by Lauralee Dhabhar | Jan 22, 2021 2:21:25 PM

GOST is a dynamic and ever improving machine learning tool. At Giant Oak, our science, engineering, customer success, and sales teams work together to ensure we are implementing the latest technological innovations and meeting the needs of our customers.

Last year was a big year for GOST. Our engineering team established a cadence of 1-2 new programming releases every week. As a result, the customer success team was able to provide our clients with a the most up-to-date tool possible for screening and vetting. GOST uncovered everything from money launderers and traffickers to war criminals previously unknown to our customers.

In 2021, innovation and evolution will continue at Giant Oak. We will be more prepared than ever to meet national security and compliance needs as we move forward. Listen in as our science, engineering, and customer success teams discuss the latest improvements to GOST and what to expect in the future.