Giant Oak Insights

Empowering Peace: AI and the Sustainable Development Goals

Written by Lauralee Dhabhar | Oct 30, 2020 3:20:35 PM

In 2015, all UN member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This set of 17 objectives is the template to globally end poverty, protect the planet, and improve lives and prospects by the year 2030. Fifteen years is an ambitious timeline, and experts are ramping up their creative and innovative skills to meet the challenge.

One of the most talked about technologies of the 21st century, artificial intelligence (AI), is being implemented in the form of solutions across the 17 goal spectrum. Given the somewhat controversial reputation of AI in the public realm, experts have set out to investigate the real world impact these innovations are having when applied to one of the goals represented above. 

On October 29th, Strategic Communications Manager Kristina Drye presented findings regarding both AI's positive and negative impact on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Watch the video in full to learn more and see specific examples of AI in action.

Images: twenty1studio, Zenobillis, Bastian AS, metamorworks, Panga Media, Panorama Images, zhangyang13576997233, Panchenko Vladimir/

Further resources:

Using AI to help achieve Sustainable Development Goals

The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Origins of Totalitarianism